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42 Clifford Road, Wembley
London HA0 1AE
+44(0)75 9641 8734

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balance and harmony of asymetry


Wabi is a chair designed to be of universal balance, being equally suited to all environments and user interactions from domestic dining, to café's, courtyards/pavilions, office meeting rooms and beyond. Characterised by the subtle, playful and asymmetric outline of its shape, Wabi is developed from and represents the dichotomy of balance and harmony in a relationship between ideas of beauty and imperfection.
The term "Wabi" is both wide ranging and somewhat elusive, one which is related to ideals of Japanese aesthetic that are fresh, simple and inherently possess an appreciation and acceptance of the beauty of the imperfect and the individual.
Wabi as a result, is a chair of delicate intrigue, a striking yet delicately simple chair, that is akin to this idea of harmony and beauty within asymmetry and imbalance. The gently flowing lines of the chair generate the simple visual intrigue as they wrap around to form the complete shell of the chair.

for more details on Wabi

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